A new documentary has been released on the rise of Zion Williamson and his influence on the growth of basketball in the UK. Produced by...
Basketball England have announced the appointment of Steve Bucknall as Performance and Technical Manager. The board appointments panel were unanimous in their choice to select...
British basketball legend Steve Bucknall has announced he will be holding an inaugural Elite Showcase over the half term break that marks the start of...
Basketball England has appointed three elected Board Members to help guide the National Governing Body (NGB) to the next stage of its evolution, hoping to...
England Under-18 coaching staff and British basketball legends Steve Bucknall and Karl Brown will face off in the Hoopsfix All Star Classic Under-17 game on...
We headed to Sheffield at the end of November for the first training camp for the England Under-18s ahead of the 2015-16 campaign – the...
Steve Bucknall has returned to the helm of the England Under-18 Men’s squad, after a two year hiatus. Karl Brown, who has been Head Coach...
London Thunder have become one of the only clubs in London with their own facility after renovation on an old warehouse has been completed to...
It’s been long overdue, but Episode 9 of the Hoopsfix Podcast has dropped, and we’ve got a good one! Sitting down with British basketball legend...
Amid the hoop-la, it is often asked what legacy the NBA has generated for basketball for the United Kingdom. The semblance of an answer might...