England Basketball has partnered with British NBA star Luol Deng to find out what drives youngsters to play basketball.
Using an online survey, EB says it hopes to communicate with the notoriously hard-to-reach under 25 segment.
“It’s vital that we get closer to those that play the game, wherever that might be, and continue to nurture the next generation of stars” said Huw Morgan, England Basketball’s Chief Executive.
“That’s why we’re using social media to take a more connected approach to listening to players of all ages in order to understand how we can make basketball more accessible to everyone.”
With the insight gained from this survey, England Basketball say it will develop tailored strategies to help grow basketball and enable more young people to enjoy the game.
Deng, who has already bemoaned UK Sport’s decision to cut the national teams’ budget to zero, said: “The sport of basketball is a pathway, a pathway that teaches so many valuable lessons on and off the court. It’s a sport that kids everywhere can relate to, and one that should be easily accessible when all you need is some concrete, two hoops and a ball!”
England Basketball was dealt a heavy blow in January, when Sport England announced that additional funding for the sport will not be going to the governing body, but rather to independent providers.
The “You Are Basketball” survey also encompasses an interactive shooting challenge. People taking part have the chance to win an all-expenses paid trip to the USA to meet Luol and see him in action during the 2014-15 NBA season.
The survey can be accessed at www.youarebasketball.co.uk