Will Neighbour, sat down with Trojans fan site Burn The Horse for a Q & A this week and explained how excited he was about playing for UALR, who he signed to this week.
Asked what it was in particular that drew him to UALR he said;
“(Assistant Coach) Charles Cunningham has been like a dad to me. He’s been through everything with me. When I took my visit up there I met Coach (Steve) Shields and (Assistant) Coach (Joe) Kleine. I can’t wait to work with Coach Kleine. That’s one thing a lot of the big schools don’t even have — a coach that’s been in The League (NBA) for 15 years with actual experience. I feel that was a great opportunity to get a chance to work with him everyday. They also have a great weight coach as well, John Barron. It’s a good program.”
He covers a wide variety of topics, from growing up, playing for GB and his shoulder injury. Make sure you check out the full interview here.
How do you think Neighbour will do at UALR? Drop a comment below and let us know!
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