Hoopsfix has agreed a two year deal with Starting 5 Teamwear to be the official kit provider of the Hoopsfix All-Star Classic.
The deal which begins with this year’s event, will see all teams decked out in Starting 5’s “Old Skool” range for both the 2015, and 2015 Classic.
“It’s great for us to get a two year deal done to provide us with some stability,” said Sam Neter, owner of Hoopsfix.com and founder of the Hoopsfix All-Star Classic.
“Starting 5 have been nothing but supportive and been very flexible working on short deadlines, we’re pleased to be working with them for the foreseeable future.”
The kit print this year, like last year, was designed by the Classic’s design agency and branding partners 5or6.
Currently Starting 5 is exclusively available from Bigfoot Basketball.