Check out the extremely controversial ending to the EBL Division 1 semi-final today in Manchester, as Worthing advanced to the final with a 54-53 win over Northumbria on an interference call at the buzzer!
I don’t claim to be a referee, or know the rules inside out, but based on the official definitions below, it looks like it’s pretty much down to a referee’s judgement. It says intereference should be called when “a player causes the basket to vibrate or grasps the basket in such a way that, in the judgement of an official, the ball has been prevented from entering the basket or has been caused to enter the basket.”
As you can see from the video, though the Northumbria player clearly touched the net, I think it is impossible to say with 100% certainty that he prevented the ball from going in, it almost looks as if it’s about to roll out…it’s so close, it could’ve gone either way.
Ballsy call by the refs though, and a lot of drama after the call! Check the video and let us know what you think in the comments!
*Edit: After reading the rules again after a comment below, it also says: 31.2.4 Interference occurs when: after a shot for a field goal or the last or only free throw a player touches the basket or the backboard while the ball is in contact with the ring. Based on this, it would seem to be the right call after all (unless anyone wants to throw anything else into the debate!).
The official FIBA rules state:
Art. 31 Goaltending and Interference
31.1 Definition
31.1.1 A shot for a field goal or a free throw:
- Begins when the ball leaves the hand(s) of a player in the act of shooting.
- Ends when the ball:
– Enters the basket directly from above and remains within or passes through the basket.
– No longer has the possibility of entering the basket.
– Touches the ring.
– Touches the floor.
– Becomes dead.
31.2 Rule
31.2.1 Goaltending occurs during a shot for a field goal when a player touches the ball while it is completely above the level of the ring and:
- It is on its downward flight to the basket, or
- After it has touched the backboard.
31.2.2 Goaltending occurs during a shot for a free throw when a player touches the ball while it is in flight to the basket and before it touches the ring.
31.2.3 The goaltending restrictions apply until:
- The ball no longer has the possibility of entering the basket.
The ball has touched the ring.
31.2.4 Interference occurs when:
- After a shot for a field goal or the last or only free throw a player touches the basket or the backboard while the ball is in contact with the ring.
- After a free throw followed by an additional free throw(s), a player touches the ball, the basket or the backboard while there is still a possibility that the ball will enter the basket.
- A player reaches through the basket from below and touches the ball.
- A defensive player touches the bal l or the basket while the ball is within the basket, thus preventing the ball from passing through the net
- A player causes the basket to vibrate or grasps the basket in such a way that, in the judgement of an official, the ball has been prevented from entering the basket or has been caused to enter the basket.
- A player grasps the basket to play the ball
31.2.5 When
- An official blows the whistle while the ball is in the hands of a player in the act of shooting, or the ball is
in flight on a shot for a field goal,- The game clock signal sounds for the end of a period while the ball is in flight on a shot for a field goal,
No player shall touch the ball after it has touched the ring while it still has the possibility of entering the basket.