Video: Midnight Madness Bristol Qualifier -

Video: Midnight Madness Bristol Qualifier

Midnight Madness 2009 in Bristol, like every other run, was nice! Abundance of talent up and down the country is rife. In the Under 18s, Luke McClean, a Hackney White Heat player stood out, using his strength to get to the rack and mixing it up with a nice mid range game as well as a strong ability to pass from the post. Jevon Ford was another who played big, and Andy (?) a dimunitive PG who stamped his mark at every run I saw him play at.

In the Under 23s, Ben Russell represented after not qualifying on his first attempt at Milton Keynes, came back stronger and did himself proud despite withdrawing early due to injury (still had done enough to get that ticket!). Will Neighbour played nice, with a couple of dunks and showed his huge range for a big man hitting 3’s with a regularity most guards couldn’t manage. Dexter the Destroyer (anyone got a surname for this dude) has some serious bunnies as well as a nice slashing game, Greg Street (?) had the nicest finger roll of Midnight Madness 2009 (in the vid) and Apollo played big for his team as well.

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