Basketball England to Update Terms of Professional League Operating License -

Basketball England to Update Terms of Professional League Operating License

The Basketball England licence review committee has announced they will be updating the key terms of the professional league operating license.

The statement read as follows:

The Committee have considered the current professional league licence and decided that the terms required significant updating. The Committee therefore have concluded that its first priority should be to develop a series of recommendations to Basketball England on the key components of any licence that Basketball England offers for the operation of a professional league. The Committee will rely on Basketball England’s sports legal advisers for support with this work.

The Committee will produce initial recommendations on the key terms of the new licence by Wednesday 11 March.

The Committee would be very interested in hearing the views of members of the basketball community and any others with a serious interest in the future of the professional league about the contents of the new licence and its key terms. To this end, individuals and corporate entities with ideas which they believe the Committee should consider are invited to send these to the Committee via Andy Korman ([email protected]) or Nick White ([email protected]) of Couchmans LLP by no later than Monday 2 March.

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