For Episode 43 of the Hoopsfix Podcast, we sat down with former BBL Head Coach and co-founder of the now-defunct Basketball Coaches Association, Mark Dunning.
Dunning coached in the BBL with Bracknell, London Towers, Hemel Hempstead and Brighton Bears, along with time at Crystal Palace, Brunel Uxbridge and Brixton prior to the BBL coming into existence.
Having been at the forefront of coach development in the UK, Dunning served as President and Secretary of the Basketball Coaches Association (BCAUK), running/attending countless clinics and events, and authoring coaching books and documents.
In this two hour episode, hear from Mark on:
How he first got into basketball, reflecting on his early playing days at school
Making the switch into wanting to become a coach
Why he always wanted to be a professional Senior coach, as opposed to working with juniors
His memories of the league and player from the NBL in the late 70s and early 80s
London being a hotbed of junior talent with the likes of Crystal Palace, East London Royals, North London, Clissold Park School and Avenue producing players
Michael Jordan’s visit to Brixton in 1985
The legendary Philips WICB Championship that used to take place at Crystal Palace
The importance of coaches having to pay their dues before getting a head coaching gig
Building a network of coaches both in the UK and overseas
Learning how to become a better coach before the internet
The founding of the BCA UK and why it was set up
Why he is currently not involved with basketball at a high level
What he would make his priorities if he was in charge of improving coaching in the UK
His fatigue with what he feels are the federations producing documents and strategies without any action
Trying to help the federations but getting little response
And much, much more!
As always, I’d love to get your feedback, come back after you’ve listened and lets get some discussion going in the comments.
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